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Research unit

List of all research units
ResearchUnit long name Unità Operativa High Performance Computing
Department TERIN    ENEA
Laboratorio Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY)
Unit Responsible Simonetta Pagnutti
Unit description

The HPC-LAB task force intends to make available the scientific knowledge and technical skills developed at ENEA within different research fields (simulation and modelling and ICT) together with HPC, storage and networking ENEA infrastructure, to improve and diffuse a better understanding of the business opportunities of the HPC and big data to industry and Public Administration.


Activities of HPC-LAB:

  1. Deterministic and stochastic simulation of complex systems. Large-scale behavior of multi-agent models, characterized by non-linear dynamics, in different network topologies with application in different fields: universal mechanisms in socioeconomic field, quantitative exploitation of diffusive phenomena in social networks: spread of opinions, language, change of people behavior, ecc.

  2. Networking and collaboration platforms for research environments: data and code sharing, data-processing, reports production and document management.

  3. Web applications for data management: collection, preparation, processing and sharing, visualization with application in the fields of cultural heritage preservation, energy utilization and efficiency, oceanographic data and IOT applications.

  4. HPC integrated platform for scanning, digitization and visualization of 3D models and scientific data in 3D Virtual Reality and Remote 3D mode.

Related research topics
Code Topic Description
3.6 HPC-Big Data High Performance computing - big data
3.6.1 Complex systems simulation Parallelisation Monte Carlo methods parallel coding, Paralled Discret Event Simulation (PDES) statistical physics for social dynamics analysis
3.6.2 data management data management data analytics data visualisation

produced bibliography
Year Title Reference Publication type
2018 G. Dattoli , E. Di Palma, S. Pagnutti , E. Sabia, Free Electron Coherent Sources: from Microwave to X-rays, Physics Reports 739 (2018) 1-51. G. Dattoli , E. Di Palma, S. Pagnutti , E. Sabia, Free Electron Coherent Sources: from Microwave to ... Others

Address via Martiri di Monte Sole 4
ZIP 40129
Town Bologna (BO)
Country Italia
Related web sites
Partnership in Projects
Acronym Abstract url_reference end_date
INSPYRE INSPYRE will focus on the investigation of MOX fue(...) http://www.eera-jpnm.eu/inspyre 31/08/2021
M4F The main goal of M4F project is to bring together (...) http://www.h2020-m4f.eu 31/08/2021
SUPER 18/06/2021
GEMMA The general objective of GEMMA Project is to quali(...) http://www.eera-jpnm.eu/gemma 31/05/2021
NEXTOWER Solar towers are atmospheric-air CSP systems that (...) http://www.h2020-nextower.eu 31/12/2020




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Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
Attrattività Ricerca Territorio - Emilia-Romagna
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