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QFD for a SME network of the wood sector to improve competitiveness and sustainability.
Authors Gilda Massa, Nicola Gessa  Year 2016
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Abstract The QFD methodology, in spite of being quite old, it is not widespread and tested in the Italian ecosystem, in particular in SME networks.
In this paper we report our experience in the application of the QFD to a SME network in the wood sector, with the aim to improve the competitiveness and innovation capacity, and prefiguring a new way to collaborate in business rela-tionships, finally increasing sustainably through a short supply chain; through the experience we highlight the QFD potentialities, as tested by the SME network in the definition and development of the first PEFC certificated musical instrument.
Reference Gilda Massa, Nicola Gessa, 'QFD for a SME network of the wood sector to improve competitiveness and sustainability', proceedings of the SDM 2016 International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Chania, Crete, Greece, April 4-6th 2016, pp 501-511, Springer International Publishing, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-32096-0.
Repository reference DI720-053
Related Slides DI720-054
Research unit X-LAB
Keywords QFD, SME networks, supply chain coordination, wood sector
LastUpdate 15/05/2019
Related research topics
Code Topic Description QFD Quality Function Deployment methodology for networked enterprises

impact factor Falso




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