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VIrtual SAmple GEnerator for 3d textile design
Acronym VISAGE
Abstract VIrtual SAmple GEnerator for 3d textile design - Virtual prototyping solution, integrated with production, cost, sales and mobile, for 3D sample preview of new virtual and customised fabrics and yarns.
Large_Description VISAGE is a project funded by the COSME program: COS-DESIGN-2015-3-03-1, topic COSME-10-2015.

VISAGE will implement the full deployment of 3D virtual textile design generation technology into a new solution, first time integrating it with all IT tools for EU fashion textile SMEs into a single and integrated ecosystem at commercial level. This new and unique tool, centered on virtual design, will boost SME creativity by the passage from traditional textile business model, based on physical sampling, to reverse engineering based on virtual one and customization service. To reach this result, enabled by SoA KET and research results exploitation in commercial environment, VISAGE will be implemented by the following 4 technological modules:

1. tridimensional effects for realistic advanced fabric surface visualization by virtual prototyping (WP2)
2. content generation on the basis of production cycle (ERP, MES), cost and sales (WP3)
3. 3D VP release to users (WP4)
4. software integration platform and interoperability set up (WP5)

The core module starts from Domina native textile CAD, which will be completely revisited on the basis of web based architecture. Scotcad
tridimensional SoA surface visualization, developed in FFD research project, will be integrated into CAD in order to create the core virtual
prototyping tool and to adapt it for real manufacturing commercial use. It will be designed to be able to work also as stand alone, but in order to
maximize the impact and to overcome market barriers due to textile fragmentation, the integration with the other enterprise IT tools, eventually third
parties, will be studied on the basis of Moda-ML and eBIZ interoperability standards by the partner ENEA and EURATEX. Each module will work
with the close support of industrial end user validation, by periodic user acceptance assessment. VISAGE commercial solution expected cost will
be constantly updated and kept under control to meet SME market expectations, necessary to realize VISAGE commercial business plan and
reach its full business deployment objectives at EU
start_date 01/04/2016
end_date 31/03/2018
url_reference http://www.visage-project.eu
Keywords 3D textile interoperability standards virtualisation customisation fabric yarn manufacturing
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords 3D textile interoperability standards virtualisation customisation fabric yarn manufacturing
S3 Area none  Traiectory  not specified
Platform none  Section not specified
Project_Type R&D
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
PROTO-LAB Unità Operativa PROTO-LAB per la prototipazione rapida e l’ingegneria inversa Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY) Partner
X-LAB Unità Operativa X-LAB Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY) Partner

Related research topics
Code Topic Description
3.1.1 eBusiness standards eBusiness standards
3.2.2 CAD/CAM technologies for 3D high value design and printing CAD/CAM technologies for high value design
I.1 Innovation in Fashion industry Innovation in FASHION industry

See also
Traceability in textile industry
3.1.1 eBusiness standards eBusiness standards
3.2.2 CAD/CAM technologies for 3D high value design and printing CAD/CAM technologies for high value design
I.1 Innovation in Fashion industry Innovation in FASHION industry

See also
Traceability in textile industry




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