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Topic code
3.4.6. Energy communities
Subclasses of the research Topic
Code Topic Description Renewable energy communities Renewable energy communities are an approach that enables citizens and companies in a territory working together to invest in renewables, reduce energy costs and promote virtuous behavior in the use of energy that increase efficiency and improve the produ Citizen energy communities Citizen energy communities are an approach that enables citizens and companies in a territory working together to invest in renewables, reduce energy costs and promote virtuous behavior in the use of energy that increase efficiency and improve the product

Energy communities are an approach that enables citizens and companies in a territory working together to invest in renewables, reduce energy costs and promote virtuous behavior in the use of energy that increase efficiency and improve the production of renewables.
Related Projects
Acronym Project Abstract url_reference end_date
ECOSISTER https://ecosister.it/ 30/09/2025
SELF-USER https://www.selfuser.it/ 30/09/2022
GECO The Green Energy Community (GECO) is a demonstration project that will take place in the P(...) https://www.gecocommunity.it 31/08/2022

Available related Outcomes and deliverables
Title Abstract Keywords Link
Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities Feasibility study concerning the design and adoption of interoperability specifications implementing data exchange and indicators that estimate evolution and performance of energy communities. Interoperability specifications, data exchange, Energy Commmunities, Smart City, digital twin, UrbanDataset, XML, JSON Feasibility study download

Produced bibliography on the topic
Year Title Reference Publication type
2025 Parametrization of self-consumption and self-sufficiency in Renewable Energy Communities: a case study application Carlo Petrovich, Samuele Branchetti, Gianluca D’Agosta, Parametrization of self-consumption and self... Paper International Journal with referee
2023 Establishing a Green Energy Transition Process in COVID Times Book chapter
2022 A Big Data Platform for the Smart Monitoring of Local Energy Communities A Big Data Platform for the Smart Monitoring of Local Energy Communities / Gagliardelli, Luca; Zecch... Paper International Conference with referee
2022 Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes Francesca Cappellaro, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabbata, Felipe Barroco, Claudia Carani, Alberto B... Paper International Journal with referee
2020 Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energia "Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energ... Book
2020 Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energia "Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energ... Book
2020 I 'PED' & 'Energy Community':quadro di riferimento e ruolo strategico - "Smart City: da ENEA una 'lingua' comune per lo scambio dei dati", su FMI - Facility Management Ital... Others
2020 Le Energy Community nel quadro delle politiche europee e nazionali per la transizione energetica Marialaura Di Somma, Claudia Meloni, Gianluca D’Agosta,
Focus ENEA: 'Le Energy Community nel quadro...
Paper Journal without referee
2020 Le Energy Community nel quadro delle politiche europee e nazionali per la transizione energetica Marialaura Di Somma, Claudia Meloni, Gianluca D’Agosta,
"Le Energy Community nel quadro delle polit...
Paper Journal without referee

Topic related URL
Guida alle comunita energetiche (progetto GECO)




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