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SPES - Support Patient through E-services Solutions
Acronym SPES
Abstract SPES is a project sponsored by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme, co-financed by the ERDF; the project implements tele-health and entertainment platform in 4 cities: Ferrara, Vienna, Brno and Kosice, focusing on 4 different diseases.
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Large_Description Greater social cohesion in the Central Europe area may be attained through activities in several sectors, telemedicine among them.
Cooperation with international partners and regional forerunners and facilitation of transnational cooperation through health, may lead to innovative and shared solutions in the field of telemedicine, thus contributing to geographical integration among the involved regions.

Further, the European Commission has set the goal to move towards a "European eHealth Area" through cross-border and regional cooperation through the adoption of the eHealth Action Plan: 'Drawing on best practices and experience from across the EU' is expected to facilitate the move towards a European eHealth Area and the development of common approaches to shared problems'.

The deployment, testing and adoption of scalable and portable e-health instruments at regional/local level becomes a priority for health services providers.

SPES is a project sponsored by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme, European Territorial Cooperation Objective, co-financed by the ERDF; the project implements tele-health and entertainment platform in 4 cities: Ferrara, Vienna, Brno and Kosice, focusing on the following diseases: respiratory problems dementia, handicapped people and social exclusion.
SPES aims at transferring the approach and results achieved in the implementation of the OLDES. project (Older People’s e-services at home - www.oldes.eu) funded by the EU 6th Framework Programme.
Patients will have the opportunity to test an easy-to-use telemedicine solution, lowering their displacement costs and the time necessary for going to care service providers (hospitals, grand physicians, medical centres) improving their daily life and general well being. They will be supported in their homes by means of networked connections and services, contributing to the quality and the cost-effectiveness of their care, as well as to their independence.
By enabling patients to access medical services through a remote way, traffic will be lowered and environmental conditions improved. The analysis of pilots’ results, will feed the works of a platform on Central Europe eHealth, composed by main social/health stakeholders of the involved regions, together with those of a Strategic Political Committee, involving decision makers. The outcome of the proposed initiatives, together with the results obtained through OLDES, will serve to identify constraints, needs and opportunities for the development and adoption of a telemedicine solution, easily deployable at transnational level.


11 Partners from 5 Countries ( 1 outside Central Europe)
- ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (IT)
- Province of Ferrara (IT)
- Local Health Authority of Ferrara (IT)
- Cup 2000 s.p.a., Bologna (IT)
- Vienna Social Fund, (AT)
- University of Vienna,(AT)
- City of Kosice, (SK)
- Technical University of Kosice,(SK)
- Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)
- DEEP, Brno (CZ)

A short presentation (3 slides):here

A overall presentation (slides):here

location Italy - Ferrara and its province (ITA)
Austria - Vienna (AT)
Czech Republic - Brno (CZ)
Slovakia - Kosice (SK)
start_date 11/04/2011
end_date 10/04/2014
url_reference http://www.spes-project.eu/

The project started with four meetings with local stakeholders in the four pilot areas in order to :
- Inform the participating organizations on the SPES activities, objectives and methodologies;
- Create a network with other stakeholders, supported with Internet technologies and animated by the participants;
- Collect information about other project using the 'Telemedicine project sheet'.

From meeting each local partner realized a document useful for mapping the existing successful examples of telemedicine projects in the four areas. (Register to download the project files)

Starting from results of the four meeting the SPES Project has realized a preparatory document GreenPaper where an initial analysis of existing innovative ICT solutions for healthcare provision in the Central Europe area is done and the standardization towards the achievement of interoperable systems is going to be discussed.
Keywords eHealth, Interoperability, Telemedicine, Intelligent mobility, well ageing
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords eHealth, Interoperability, Telemedicine, Intelligent mobility, well ageing
Project_Type TT
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
X-LAB Unità Operativa X-LAB Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY) Scientific/Technical coordinator

Related research topics
Code Topic Description
3.1.5 eHealth Technologies and standard for interoperability in eHealth




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