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>List of all the results
Hydronic and electric radiant system: compared systems
abstract Comparison between hydronic and electric radiant system
Description The collaboration between the Q-RAD Consortium , The Department of Industrial Engineering of the Padova University and the LAERTE Laboratory of ENEA had as main goal the preparation of a report that compares the hydronic radiant systems and the electric ones, in order to highlight the potential applications and the possibility of integration for the radiant systems. In the final part of the report is explained an application that highlights consumptions and costs of a residential building with a requirement of 40 kWh/(m2*a).
Keywords radiant system, hydronic, electric
Link1 /tecnopolo/download/Confronto sistemi radianti.pdf
Laboratory EDI
Partner ENEA
Main research topic 1 Energy
Direct LISEA result Falso
Direct Technopole result Vero
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Code Topic Description ID
1 Energy 5






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