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>List of all the results
SET - energy Saving and Efficiency Tool
abstract SET Scheme is a tool to enable firms of textile-clothing Sector to manage a self-assessment of energy usages in relationship with production.
Description SET Scheme is a tool developed in the framework of ARTISAN project and in collaboration with other projects to enable firms of textile Sector to manage a self-assessment about their internal energy consumption; it calculates indeces about consumption and costs that can be compared towards sectorial benchmarks and proposes types of possible intervention to improve the energy efficiency of the firms.
It can be considered as a light tool to identify the best area of potential intervention.

SET Scheme is made of two parts: SET Tool and SET Web.

SET project is part of the European campaign 'Energy Made to Measure '
Keywords energy efficiency, textile, industry, EM2M
TRL - technology readiness level 7 Demonstration at pre-commercial scale.
Link1 SET Web page
Link2 Pagina DEMO
Link3 Download del Tool SET
Link4 Technology Report SAT / ENCORE
Laboratory X-LAB
Partner ENEA
Documentation web page click here for the documentation web page
Main research topic 3.3 ICT for energy efficiency
Direct LISEA result Falso
Direct Technopole result Falso
Related research topics
Code Topic Description ID
3.3 ICT for energy efficiency ICT for energy efficiency 8




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