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Study of the impact of low vs. high resolution meteorology on air quality simulations using the MINNI model over Italy.
Authors D'Isidoro M., Mircea M., Vitali L., Cionni I., Briganti G., Cappelletti A., Finardi S., Pace G., Ciancarella L., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Righini G., Zanini G.  Year 2013
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Abstract Modelling air quality requires the description of a large number of processes interacting each other. In order to properly model concentration of atmospheric pollutants it is crucial to have a realistic reproduction of meteorological parameters, which can be critical in areas presenting a complex physical geography like the Italian peninsula. This work shows an analysis of the results obtained with the national model MINNI at two different horizontal resolutions (20 km and 4 km), for a whole year over Italy. Comparisons between modelled and observed temperature and pollutants concentrations are made. The prediction of temperature in general improves with the increase of model spatial resolution, and for pollutants like NO2 and CO, while the improvement is not always evident for ozone concentrations. Results are discussed trying to explain the observed features.
Reference D'Isidoro M., Mircea M., Vitali L., Cionni I., Briganti G., Cappelletti A., Finardi S., Pace G., Ciancarella L., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Righini G., Zanini G.
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security Volume 137, Pages 587-592, 2013.
Research unit MIA
LastUpdate 26/11/2013
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